Welcome to What I've Been Reading, where I share my (quick and personal) thoughts on what I've been reading this past month. For specifics (plot summary, etc.) about each book, click on the provided links.
The Cruelest Month (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #3) by Louise Penny (3 stars)
I was really looking forward to this book after enjoying the second book in this series so much, but this book didn't quite live up to its predecessor for me, much like the first book in this series. The story line just didn't quite capture my attention, making the book easy to put down and not so easy to pick back up again. The language also got on my nerves in this book. It isn't full of language, just like the other two books, thankfully, but the language that is in it bothered me. Hoping the plot is better in the fourth book and the language is a little less salty. I still recommend these if you like more literary-minded mysteries. (*Some language)